

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Progress on a Logline

I'm not going to pretend that this is the final version of my logline, but it's starting to resemble my vision for this novel. It's time to float it past some people. If you have a comment, please leave it. It can be specific (certain words that don't fit or a question on the plot) or very general (love it or hate it).

If you think you read this genre, but this doesn't look like a winner, I'd especially appreciate hearing from you.

On the verge of a another slow small-town Summer, a shy used book store owner, who prefers the company of books to most people, receives an old and incomprehensible tome which she finally interprets as a book of wholly useless magic with the help of her University-employed cryptanalyst/hacker best friend; but when she uses the text and finds herself a person of interest in a felony theft investigation, she must learn to make real-world friends and request their help to undo her mistakes, before the mysterious group attempting to purchase the text decides instead to take it from her or she finds herself facing a Federal prosecutor. – The Compendium of Curiosities and Impractical Magic

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