

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Worst Kind of Struggle

Okay, I admit the title is a lie, well not a lie... more of an exaggeration.  So many more things worse than this could under the title of the worst kind of struggle.

What is my supposed worst kind of struggle?  It's a lot like a writer's block, but not quite the same.  It's writer's resistance.  I've actually made it to the end of this novel, or should I say I've written to the end section.  Now that I'm staring down the finish line, what do I do?  I stare at the screen for a bit and then turn on the television, or pick up a book, or clean the house... the list goes on from there and gets more and more pitiful.

I'm fighting writing the end of this novel.  It's not like I don't know what happens.  It's not like I don't like the ending I'm heading toward.  So why am I fighting this?  I do know a few possible reasons.

I don't want to say goodbye to characters is a top contender.  But, if I'm honest, I've been thinking quite a bit about my next project.  So how much can I be worried I'll miss them?

There's also the ever popular fear of failure/success.  If I... oops... when I finish this novel, I'll be looking at revising and then the dreaded publishing specter.  I think I kinda like this one.  It has a loaded, psychology punch to it.  What if I actually succeed and get this book out?  What if I don't?  What if I do and I can't write another?  All kinds of good stuff in this one.

The one I dislike the most, that's come to mind in just the last few minutes, is that deep down I'm not really a writer.  The supporting evidence not being the 386 pages I've put down so far.  But a real, quality, scary and panicky kind of thought, none the less.

I've been told all writer's go through times of self-doubt.  I don't know if that's exactly true, but it's certainly believable.  I've questioned my skills and talents in other areas before.  It's probably something we all go through.

So what do I do?  Power through?   Head down and nose to the grindstone? ... and stare at a blankish screen where the end of my novel ought to be.  Honestly, I'm not sure.

Maybe I need to refill my creative cup.  Maybe it's a discipline issue.  (I could definitely buy into a discipline issue...)  Maybe analyzing it will just give me more to distract myself (hmm... that seems likely).

Somewhere inside there used to be a desire to tell this story.  The desire was so great, that I couldn't help but write.  There were days I could barely manage to get through my day job, I was so ready to write.

I can only hope that I can find that again.  And soon.  This story deserves its ending.