

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Spread your wings, my darling...

Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be is now available on Smashwords, Kobo, and (drum roll, please) iTunes.  How awesome is that?  And get this, the estimated print length from iTunes is 472 pages.  I suppose 117K+ words could generate that many pages in print.

My next manuscript is currently at 257K+ words.  Hmm, better wrap it up before it rivals War and Peace.  (And then edit and edit and edit and edit.)

Observation of the day: Driving in the rain, in a vehicle I am unfamiliar with ... struggling with windshield wiper controls, softer breaks, steering uniqueness ... Nightmare.  Taking father to pick up more loving family at the airport in that vehicle, same storm ... Priceless.  Welcome home, Mom and Sis!

Monday, August 29, 2016

And the distribution goes on...

The distribution from Smashwords.com has begun.  Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be is already up on Kobo.com. More locations to come. I've also made a page on Goodreads.com, which is how I discovered the book was available on Kobo.

What I've learned:
1) Instant publication to a single site is possible, it just depends on the site.  Instant publication to multiple sites requires a wonderful little thing called the pre-order. I'll be investigating in more depth when I publish again and will report back.

2) All sites follow their own procedures and therefore have their own cycle time before adding a book to their catalog. I'm also told it is possible to be rejected, but so far so good. Smashwords was instant to their site. I was told to expect up to 3 days for Kobo, it was less than 4 hours.

3) I'm still dragging my feet with regard to publishing to Amazon. Reading all the terms I have to agree to has made me reconsider.  And on top of the many rights you sign away (I'm still not sure I understand that and will be rereading tomorrow), they also want a bank account to electronically pay me.  Sounds good until you think about the fact that then my bank account number is sitting out on some server somewhere just waiting to be hacked. Yes, more thought must go into this one.

4) I thought my coupons would work at any retailer, but I'm having trouble using one on Kobo, so it may only be on Smashwords that I can give discounts. It's also possible that more time is needed for the coupons to be active on other sites. More investigation required.

5) Despite living in a world of "instant" gratification, there are still things that take time, and patience truly is a virtue. (Still waiting to hear back from Goodreads about my author page... patience.)

Best wishes in your current endeavors.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why Did I Indie Publish?

I'm so wound up after today, with too much excitement for the publication of my first book, that I can't sleep.  (What better time for a blog post than when you're dead tired, but wide-awake?)

I thought tonight I'd spend a few minutes talking about why I chose to be an Indie author/publisher.  I have some comments posted on my author interview at Smashwords, but I'd like to expound a little more here.

What lead me to consider the idea of Indie publishing was, of course, a bit of disappointment from the traditional publishing industry.  I had a real struggle getting any kind of response from anyone.  I will say that the few who were kind enough to reject the work or to reject the work with feedback are my heroes.  Some of that feedback changed the book as you can see it today.  It's hard to believe that with the massive pile of queries coming in to these individuals, that they can take the time to write back.

But plenty of them didn't.  I sent in query letters and heard nothing.  Some websites say things like "you will only hear from us if we are interested" and that's fair.  But it's also very disappointing to an author.  I liken the experience to trying to communicate with a Black Hole, everything goes in, but nothing comes out.

The number of queries I was sending began to drop off as life became busier and I was not only holding down a full-time job, working on my next novel - now tentatively planned for an Indie release in January 2017 - but trying to be a good wife and mother.  Rewriting and trying to perfect the query letter dropped lower and lower on my daily priorities list and eventually I stopped altogether.

Fast forward, I was asked last week how my current book was coming along.  I was proud to say that I'm nearly finished with the first draft.  I'm working on the climax and really hope to finish in the next few weeks.  Then there will be some monstrous editing and it will be ready for publication.

It sounded fairly good, apart from the writer's block I've been having lately, but the question of the publication had come back to the forefront for me.  Did I really intend to finish another book and go through all that querying again?  Probably with the same results?

I'd seen articles about Indie publishing via some of my writers' groups and had read many with more than a little casual curiosity.  But it came on suddenly, after talking to my very kind friend who took the time to ask about the book, the need to publish.

It wasn't about the time it could take to start querying again.  It wasn't about the querying itself or the disappointment.  I just suddenly needed to have my book out in the universe.

A book can't be liked or hated if it's nothing more than bytes on my computer.  It can't share a story when it's in storage.  Nothing would happen if I did... nothing.

So for a few days, I went the last steps investigating Indie publishing, seriously considering platforms and distribution methods and late last night, I suddenly has a plan.  The execution of the plan began today.

I've no idea yet if it's for better or worse, but I know that I finally made that step.  People can read my work, if they choose.  Yes, it's a little terrifying.  I desperately want my work to be loved and I know that it won't be universally.  But, it's also extremely liberating and exciting.

There are other things I really like about Indie publishing that are in my author interview, linked above, so you might take a glance there if you are considering such a step yourself.

Whatever your plans and whatever comes to you tomorrow, good luck and good night!

I'm e-published!

Yesterday, I made the decision to Indie publish and I've published Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be on Smashwords. I'm excited and proud to have put this book out into the Universe. Read a free sample of 20% of the book, available in epub, pdf, lrf, pdb, and the on-line reader.

(Is it weird that I'm thrilled to say "I have an ISBN" out loud? I hope not. ISBN: 9781370893577)

The complete book is available in epub, mobi, pdf, lrf, pdb, and an on-line reader.

Curious about the book? Read the blurb or visit the Goodreads page. I'm looking forward to feedback, both positive and less positive, so please leave a comment after reading!

This novel is currently available as an ebook on:

Smashwords at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/661637

Kobo at https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/heavenly-matchmaking-meant-to-be

iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/heavenly-matchmaking-meant/id1148769514?mt=11

Barnes&Noble at http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/heavenly-matchmaking-kelly-lopushansky/1124491299?ean=2940153703770

Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Heavenly-Matchmaking-Meant-Kelly-Lopushansky-ebook/dp/B01LGL6MK8