

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

And So It Begins...

I'm off and running with NaNoWriMo. On this blog, I added a widget to display my progress, if you're interested. The first day, Tuesday, I was particularly lucky to have a little extra time and to be very inspired. I was able to write ahead of the minimum to be on track (basically, I wrote two days worth of words). Very helpful the last two days when I couldn't make the 1,667 minimum.  I'm still on track!!!

The story is shaping up nicely. I haven't decided if I started in the right place yet, but the stasis is coming out well. I've just about established my main character and the two side characters that get to join her early on. (Still a little nervous to be holding off introducing the two other major players much later... it seems like I'm withholding or something. Probably because I've never written that way before. I usually introduce all the characters in the first few scenes, major or minor.)

Favorite sentence written tonight: The bindings were as barren as a salted field, but undoubtedly still yielded fruit below the protective sheath.  Refers to old books that don't have text on the binding or the front cover.