

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Friday, September 25, 2015

Random Thoughts From A Tired Mind

I've been having trouble sleeping lately.  Some of the time, it's genuinely me.  Either I can't relax or I can't stop thinking about something that happened during the day.  (I love to kick myself for things I said.  Anybody with me on that?)  And then some of time, it's truly not my fault.

The weather woke me up two nights ago about an hour and a half after I went to bed.  When rain and thunder wake me, I have to check out the weather radar to see how severe the storm really is.  I find it hard to go back to sleep worrying that a real weather event is on it's way (read: tornado).

So I checked my favorite website for weather, weather.com, and as expected, it wasn't anything serious, just ridiculously heavy rain and lightning.  I'd have hoped that I would be able to get back to sleep after that, but the rain was really that loud, it sounded like hail.

After that and a few other nights of inadequate sleep, I find myself asking a lot of weird questions.

Why, if it's supposed to be high efficiency, doesn't my washing machine allow me to use the same water I used to soak my clothes in bleach, to then wash them by just adding detergent and starting a wash cycle, instead of forcing me to drain the basin and start from scratch?

How can there be such a thing as color-safe bleach?  Bleach takes the color out of things...

Why do clocks run to the right (clock-wise), instead of the left (counter clock-wise)?  And why do I even care if most of the clocks in my life are digital anyway?

When did I become so old that I don't see a single movie trailer that appeals to me?  No plot is even hinted at in these things, they're either just a series of jokes or explosions, maybe both.  Seriously?  What about that is supposed to make me want to see this movie?

Does anyone else find the remakes of old movies, or the reboots of old series, as irritating as I do?  (I'm guessing at least some of time it's yes, since they don't always do very well.)  New movies in a series are at least different, if not terrific.  (I'm crossing my fingers for the new Star Wars movie.)

Why are violets blue?  Shouldn't they be... oh, I don't know... violet?  On a related note, not all roses are red...  although that's just an observation.

Who decided on red, yellow, and green for traffic lights?  (I'm sure there is a real answer to this question.)   There are people with red/green color blindness...

Anyone out there have a good suggestion on how silence the mind and get some sleep?  I could use it.