

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just a few hours without Electronics

originally posted Jan 10, 2015, 7:16 PM by Kelly Lopushansky

The process of querying my 'A' list of agents continues as I'm taking my time to put together each query.  I really do think I've found a nice group of excellent people and I'd be lucky to work with any of them.  Once my process is complete, I'll add a list of the agencies that I queried, but for now I'll be sharing my thoughts on a very different subject: family fun.

My daughter started playing a trivia game on her tablet and she was asking me for help with some of the questions.  We continued with that for a while, until I decided to download the game myself.  From then on we played together, helping each other as we took our turns.  I learned that my daughter has an uncanny ability to guess the right answers in certain categories.  We'd had such a good time, I suggested my husband and son also join us.  From there...well, things went down hill.

All of us attempting to play in one room, several asking for help at once, made for a great deal of overlapping and finally yelling.  At the point that neither my husband nor I could take it anymore and there was a great deal of upset, we decided that it was time to put it away.

I don't recall exactly how the topic turned, but since we all were still interested in playing together, we found ourselves enjoying charades.  I was the only one who'd ever played and sadly, my memory is a bit foggy, so there was a bit of a challenge getting some of conventions right.  (I didn't even know there was a sign for a tv show.)  But we laughed and played for over an hour and had to quit when it was time to start getting prepared for the next day and bed.

I think my favorite charade was How the Grinch Stole Christmas which my daughter acted out by getting the How and Christmas.  I am now more in support of putting down the electronics then I've ever been before.  And it has occurred to me that perhaps parents need to be digging into some of the old games for inspiration.  We've had board game and card game night before, but this one, where the actor came up with their own idea, was more fun than I've had in long time.

If you have a thought about family fun and electronics, please be sure to share it.  I'm especially interested in anecdotes.

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