

This blog was originally dedicated to my journey from a writer to a traditionally published author. Since that time, my interests have changed and I self-published my debut novel, Heavenly Matchmaking: Meant To Be, as an e-book. Now this blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on my writing and self-publishing journeys, as I endeavor to have a life, work my day job, promote my novels, and write my next. (Though I expect my postings on My Journey Blog will diverge some from the topics of writing and publishing.)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Qualms and Quirks

In a previous post, I mentioned my concerns about supplying my bank account number to Amazon in order to self-publish my ebook. The concerns revolve around hacking, not Amazon, but I just don't want my numbers out there. My solution: open a new bank account

That's what I did today, and I have since submitted my ebook to Amazon. It should appear in their catalog in 48-72 hours. That will complete my distribution to the ebookstores that I consider most important.  I'm quite certain that there are other ebookstores that do a great deal of business and I'll be missing them, but for the moment I'm accepting that. If you happen to have a favorite online store other than the ones I've listed, please leave a comment. My greatest limitation for distribution is lack of knowledge of all the outlets.

That was all for qualms, now on to quirks.

The theme for my day was upsets and embarrassments, though the majority of those had nothing to do with my writing or publishing. I found a monstrous error in my ebook, the Title Page had the title for my next book! This wasn't true in the early distributions (I updated it once due to a dislike in formatting) but I found it today. The only word I can think of is mortifying! The wrong title!

While I will puzzled on how this happened, I set to correcting it immediately. A fresh upload to Smashwords has been completed and hopefully will distribute rather quickly. I don't have a rush of sales right now, so I'm not too worried anyone will stumble on it.  But still...

Another quirk I ran into was on Barnes&Noble. They don't use ISBNs for ebooks.  Instead, they assigned an EAN to my book. Searching by title will bring up the book, as will searching by EAN... but not the ISBN.  I'm more than a little befuddled, but there it is.

So future self-publishers, you've been educated... not everything in publishing uses the ISBN after all.

It's the Labor Day weekend, so I'll sign off by wishing you a good holiday.  I plan to relax and write.  :)

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